How to delete Instagram Account Permanently

Social Media has become an important part of our lives, Mainly the Instagram has become an sensation and it is one of the top used apps right now. Recently when the Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp servers went down. The whole world got disturbed, By this we can see how important these social media apps are in our lives. So today we are going to see How to delete Instagram Account Permanently.
Instagram is an Social Media App which is owned by Facebook. Instagram deletion complete process is so easy of you follow my steps carefully. In thisyou can connect with your friends, family members. Make business and Interesting Reels as well On Instagram. If you want to know about how to delete Instaaccount visit Telugu News Portal for full details.
How to Delete Instagram Account temporarily from mobile?
If you are tired of using Instagram and you want to take a break from the app for some time, Thenthis how you need to do it.
On Android:
- If you are using an Andoird device, and you want to delete the Instagram Account temporarily. These are the following steps.
- First Login To InstagramVia A Web Browser, Even though you may have an app on your device. But deletion of account temporarily won’t happen from the application.
- Tap on the Profile Icon which is on the bottom right corner of the screen. Then Tap on Edit Profile.
- Once you tap on Edit Profile, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on Temporarily disable my account.
- Give a reason to Instagram on Why you want to temporarily delete your Instagram Account and re-enter your password.
- Now, Tap on the Temporarily disable account button to close Instagram Account Temporarily.
Remember, If you temporarily disable to Instagram Account. Your friends and other people won’t find you in search, or in their followers, and following.
On iOS:
The process of deactiving the Instagram Account on an iOS device is almost similar to the method above.
- First open the Safari or any other browser in your iOS Device and Login into your Instagram Account through it.
- First Login To Instagram Via, The Safari or any other web browser, Even though you may have an app on your device. But deletion of account temporarily won’t happen from the application.
- Tap on the Profile Icon which is on the bottom right corner of the screen. Then Tap on Edit Profile.
- Once you tap on Edit Profile, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on Temporarily disable my account.
- Give a reason to Instagram on Why you want to temporarily delete your Instagram Account and re-enter your password.
- Now, Tap on the Temporarily disable account button to close Instagram Account Temporarily.
How to delete Instagram Account Permanently on PC?
If you want to delete your Instagram Account permanently then this is how you need to do it. But before, You may want to keep a copy of your information like Photos, posts, videos from Instagram. Because, Once you have deleted your account permanently, You won’t have access to Instagram’s data download tool. So these are the steps to delete your Instagram Account Permanently on PC.
- Open Instargam from your PC Via the web browser and Login into your Account. Tap on the profile icon which is at the right corner of the screen, Then Tap on the Edit Profile.
- Go to the Delete your Account Option directly and Select an Option from the drop down menu Why are you deleting your Account? You have to select the option to permanent delete your account and re-enter your password.
- Click or tap Delete(Username) for one last time and its over. The Instagram Account will be deleted permanently.
Instagram will give you 30 days for your Account Deletion Request, If 30 days are crossed then your account and all your information will be permanently deleted and you won’t be able to retrieve it again.
How to recover Deleted Instagram Account?
Now, If you want to recover your Deleted Instagram Account again. Then follow these simple steps to retrieve your account.
- First, You need to contact the Instagram Support, For that you need to click on this
- This link will redirect you to an Instagrampage were this form shows a question. Is this Account used to represent a business, product or service?
- If your Account is personal, Then select no and click send. Then a form will be opened and you need to fill in your details, Full Name, Username, Your Email Id, What country are you contacting us from.
- After submitting the completed form to the Instagram Technical Support team, You will receive an email within 48hours that contains a code consisting of numbers and instructions to follow.
- After you will be provide with a link to restore your account. By clicking on the link provided by Instagram Team, you can easily recover your permanently deleted Instagram Account easily.
So this is all about the process of How to delete Instagram Account Permanently. We will get back to you with more details.